Work Packages
The RECLAIM project consists of 7 work packages (WPs) that are categorized as follows:
Work Package 1: Project management
× Scientific, technical and administrative management
× Quality assurance and risks management
× Ethical and privacy issues on data collection
× Open data and benchmarking
× Open training on digital waste management
Work Package 2: Application requirements and system specification
× Requirement analysis for prMRF and Recycling Data Games
× prMRF & Recycling Data Games specification and design
Work Package 3: Recyclable waste detection and categorization
× RGB-imaging for waste detection and categorization
× Hyperspectral imaging for waste detection and categorization
× Repeating AI-ILC advancement & Deep Learning quality assurance
× Smart Monitoring and Operational Predictive Analytics
Work Package 4: RoReWo-Team for material recovery
× Implementation of complementary gripping mechanisms
× RoReWo implementation and control
× Configuration of the multi-robot/multi-gripper RoReWo-Team
Work Package 5: prMRF implementation, demonstration & assessment
× Early prMRF development and on-site deployment
× prMRF iterative implementation-testing-optimization
× Optimization of RoReWos Team performance
× On-site prMRF assessment and long-term sustainability
Work Package 6: Recycling Data-Games
× On site, waste data collection
× Algorithms and pipelines for recycling data-games
× Deployment and evaluation of environmental games
Work Package 7: Project impact maximization
× Dissemination and communication activities
× Liaising with other projects and DIHs
× Innovation assets exploitation and commercialization