Deliverables Public RECLAIM deliverables released are accessible via the links below: WP1: Project management D1.1: Data management plan and ethics/privacy manual WP2: Application requirements and system specification D2.1: prMRF and RDG requirements and system specifications WP4: RoReWo – Team for material recovery D4.1: Gripping mechanisms and RoReWo units for material recovery WP5: prMRF implementation, demonstration & assessment D5.1: early prMRF development based on available enabling technologies D5.2: Preliminary assessment of prMRF performance WP6: Recycling Data-Games D6.1: Waste Data for material recognition and Recycling Data Game D6.2: Algorithms and pipelines for Recycling Data Games D6.3: Assessment of the Recycling Data Game D6.4: Waste Data for material recognition and Recycling Data Game D6.5: Algorithms and pipelines for Recycling Data Games WP7: Project impact maximization D7.1: Plan for the dissemination and communication activities D7.2: Plan for the innovation and exploitation activities D7.5: Plan for the innovation and exploitation activities