

The INC-4 is underway in Toronto, Canada.

INC-4 on Plastic Pollution underway and how RECLAIM’s prMRF aims to deliver on Circular Economy 

The fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (Plastic Pollution INC-4), is underway in Canada. What happens here will advance the draft global treaty towards its final version, ensuring that the stage is set for ending plastic pollution in the next session (INC-5) in Busan, Korea. At RECLAIM Project, we wholeheartedly support this instrument but are also taking active steps to be the solution to the plastic problem.

INC-4 on Plastic Pollution underway and how RECLAIM’s prMRF aims to deliver on Circular Economy  Read More »

Enhanced Material Recovery for Europe’s Circular Economy Goals

To enhance circularity in Europe, the European Environmental Agency’s 2024 report titled “Accelerating the Circular Economy in Europe” calls for a systemic shift in waste management to improve recyclate quality. RECLAIM’s prMRF aims to boost both quantity and quality of recycled materials, aligning with the Green Deal goals. 

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Citizen Science: How Big Plastic Count, RECLAIM’s Recycling Data Game use this approach to tackle plastic waste

Mobilizing citizen science can play a pivotal role, generating data, raising awareness, engaging communities and driving policy action.  Urgent actions by multiple stakeholders are needed across the plastic value chain to tackle plastic pollution, addressing both the production of plastic and sustainable management of waste. One crucial step could be mobilising citizen science as a

Citizen Science: How Big Plastic Count, RECLAIM’s Recycling Data Game use this approach to tackle plastic waste Read More »

RECLAIM: Efficient Material Recovery Everywhere

The RECLAIM project explores new, more innovative solutions, needed to reduce costs and improve waste treatment efficiency even further. (Published in Waste Management World). Despite the success of large-scale MRF facilities, there are cases where new, more innovative solutions are needed to reduce costs and improve waste treatment efficiency even further. The RECLAIM project explores

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RECLAIM game: role and function in the project.

The RECLAIM recycling game will allow and encourage citizens to participate in the research and development activities of the project.  IntroductionThe recycling data-game (RDG), which is being developed in the context of the RECLAIM project, aims at supplementing and supporting the training and optimization of AI algorithms for the material identification, segmentation and categorization module

RECLAIM game: role and function in the project. Read More »

No person and no place is left behind

Separation installation for remote areas. Published in: GRAM, special edition Europe. (in Dutch) Minder afval, meer grondstoffen. Het terugwinnen van recyclebaar materiaal is een belangrijk doel van de EuropeseGreen Deal. Dat doel wordt breed omarmd. Maar zorgen zijn er ook: het gaat nog niet goed genoeg. En al helemaal nietsnel genoeg. Terugkijkend in de jaarverslagen van

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